Wow...Time has once again flown between posts here!! The grandbabies are getting bigger, and really keeping this gramma busy!!
Lots has happened since last June, and for awhile, I just lost my knitting inspiration.
Lets see...what has been going on...
This past October, my son Zak, my grandson and I moved. It became apparent that Ryder was not going to be returned to his mother, so Zak and I did some talking and decided that to make the most secure and stable environment for Ryder we would continue to live together for now, so we definitely needed more space than my one bedroom apartment.
We thought that custody would be transferred to Zak on january 30th, but due to lots of red tape, and lots of court mess ups that didn't happen until March. But now it's official, and Zak has sole legal and permanent custody of Ryder...YEAH!!!!!!! this means that our little bubby boy will never again be hurt or neglected. We can all rest easy now knowing that our little guy is safe and knowing where he is every night. Maybe someday I will go in to more detail about all that happened to our precious little guy, but right now it is still very raw and very painful to talk about and think about. The good thing is that he is very happy, very healthy and very secure in his environment, and NOBODY will ever hurt him again!!
So...on the knitting front, I am knitting Wallaby sweaters for my grandbabies. I actually have three grandchildren now because Aimee's fiance has a 5 year old son, and as we have gotten to know each other, he has become my grandson as well. so am also knitting a Wallaby in a little bit of a bigger size. Zak's girlfriend also has a little boy who is 18 months old, and I am going to knit him one as well. So...4 Wallabys to be made for those cool summer evenings and autumn as we all know...autumn will come again!!LOL!! It feels good to be knitting again...I've missed my knitting needles and yarn.
So I guess that sums up my life for now. I will try to get back to posting more often, and will try to get pics of the babies up this weekend yet!! And now I am off to the
Loopy Ewe website to see what new patterns Monica has there!!